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How to Backup Your Website

1. Choose a secure storage location:

  1. Once UpdraftPlus is activated, navigate to UpdraftPlus by clicking on Settings > UpdraftPlus Backups then select the Settings tab.From here, you can choose a secure remote storage location. This ensures that your backups are stored safely outside of your WordPress site. 

    The following are available in the free version: 

    • Dropbox
    • Google Drive
    • Amazon S3 (or compatible)
    • Rackspace Cloud
    • DreamObjects
    • OpenStack Swift
    • FTP
    • Email

Another option is to store your WordPress backups on UpdraftVault. 1GB is included with UpdraftPlus Premium or you can purchase another 5GB off-site storage from just $7.80 a quarter.

Once selected, each storage option has its own instructions. Follow these and press the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.


2. Set up backup reports 

  1. In the Settings tab, scroll down to the Email section. Check the box that says Check this box to have a basic report sent to your site’s admin address.

UpdraftPlus Premium adds a wealth of information to your backup reports. It lists errors, so you don’t need to search through log files, it includes cryptographic checksums so you can verify the integrity of the backed-up files and more. You can also send reports to multiple email addresses or to the syslog. 

3. Create and schedule your WordPress backups 

1. At the top of the Settings tab, choose how often you want to back up from a minimum of every 2 hours, to a maximum of every month. You can schedule backups for exact times with our add-on.

Choose a more frequent backup frequency if you regularly update your site with new pages and posts. 

You can also adjust how many backups are stored at any one time. New backups can then override the old ones.




With your storage location and how often you’d like to back up your site set up, UpdraftPlus will automatically carry out your first site backup.

4. How to do a Quick Backup once everything is setup

     1. Click on “Updraft Plus” In the top tab 

    2. Click on the blue button that says “Backup Now” 

    3. Once the pop up comes up, keep the options already ticked and select backup now. 

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